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Pet Care Tips

Tips for Cutting Your Dog’s Nails

Tips for Cutting Your Dog’s Nails

Proper nail care ensures your pup can walk, run, and move around comfortably and without pain. Today, our Mandeville vets share tips for how to trim your dog's nails at home, including how to tell when they are due for a trim. 

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6 Things That Will Help Keep Your Dog Healthy

6 Things That Will Help Keep Your Dog Healthy

Besides giving your dog all the love and attention they need and deserve, there are a few other things you can do to help your dog maintain their health and well-being. Today, our Mandeville vets share 6 tips for helping your dog stay healthy. 

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Why does my dog eat everything?

Why does my dog eat everything?

Pica is a compulsive desire to eat non-food items. Today, our Mandeville vets explain what causes pica, the symptoms of pica, and some treatment options for your dog.

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Vomiting & Diarrhea in Pets: When to Seek Emergency Care

Vomiting & Diarrhea in Pets: When to Seek Emergency Care

If your cat or dog is experiencing vomiting and diarrhea they are likely suffering from gastrointestinal upset. Today, our Mandeville vets share some of the causes of these symptoms and when you should seek emergency care for your pet. 

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What is the difference between pet insurance and a pet wellness plan?

What is the difference between pet insurance and a pet wellness plan?

Pet insurance and wellness plans are two options that can help to make your pet's veterinary care more affordable. However, there are distinct differences between both of these choices and it's important that you, as a pet owner, understand what they are. Here, our Mandeville vets explain the differences between wellness plans and pet insurance. 

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Preventing Heartworm Disease in Pets

Preventing Heartworm Disease in Pets

Heartworm disease can result in heart failure, severe lung disease, damage to other organs, and even death for pets in Mandeville. Typically found in cats, dogs, and ferrets, our vets explain why preventative medicine is the best way to protect your pets from a serious and debilitating illness down the road.

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Protecting Your Pet (And Your Family) From Ticks

Protecting Your Pet (And Your Family) From Ticks

Ticks can spread a number of serious diseases and are therefore dangerous to people and pets. In this post, our Mandeville vets explain how these external parasites thrive, including which signs to beware of, and how to keep ticks away from your pets and your family.  

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How do I know if my pet has Lyme disease?

How do I know if my pet has Lyme disease?

Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in the world, yet comparatively rare in Louisiana. In this post, our  Mandeville vets share information about Lyme disease in pets: what it is, symptoms to watch for, the risk of infection, and treatment options.

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Why should I bring my pet in for a fecal exam?

Why should I bring my pet in for a fecal exam?

Annual fecal exams are the best way to proactively check for intestinal parasites that could threaten your pet or even human family members. Our Mandeville vets suggest yearly fecals to check for intestinal parasites and other nasties before more serious conditions arise. 

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How can I tell if my cat or dog has fleas?

How can I tell if my cat or dog has fleas?

Fleas are the most common external parasite, and they can make your pet miserable! If left untreated, they may even lead to infections and cause serious diseases. Our Mandeville vets explain early signs of fleas, and what to do if your pet does have fleas. 

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At Riverside Veterinary Hospital, we are always accepting new patients. Our veterinary team is passionate about the health and well-being of companion animals in Mandeville. Book your first appointment today.

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